Safeguarding Cybersecurity in the Face of Natural Disasters

In a time when natural disasters are becoming more frequent and putting businesses at risk, cybersecurity is a crucial element in a company’s resilience plan.

The Unseen Threat to Cybersecurity

While cybersecurity professionals struggle with the surge in ransomware attacks and nation-state threats, the imminent possibility of natural disasters should not be ignored. Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires can cause severe damage to buildings, disrupt operations, and cut essential connections, opening the door to cyber threats during the chaos.

So, how can companies maintain data security during and after a natural disaster? 

How to Keep Data Secure during Natural Disasters

  1. Prepare Emergency Cybersecurity Plans:
  • Proactive disaster planning is the key. Companies must prioritize a comprehensive backup strategy that emphasizes compliance and security. This includes maintaining geographic redundancy and incorporating advanced data resiliency technologies for enhanced protection.
  1. Collaboration is Key:
  • Develop cybersecurity plans collaboratively, involving end-users, vendors, and IT security experts. Ensure these plans follow industry best practices and lessons learned from previous natural disasters. Endpoint protection, email gateways, and data backup resiliency should be integral components.
  1. Create Multiple Locations for Backup Storage:
  • Use cloud storage away from your main location for secure data and access during disasters. It’s important to have backup sites in different places to reduce the risk of all backups being affected by large-scale disasters.
  1. Keep Staff Contact Details Updated:
  • Maintain up-to-date staff contact databases and remote access cybersecurity procedures. Consider supporting employees in securing their home computers to minimize cybersecurity threats. Plan for communication and business continuity without full online employee presence.
  1. Rehearse, Update, and Rehearse Again:
  • Regularly test cybersecurity capabilities through game-day simulations. Ensure that recovery plans are tested, validated, and updated. Both ‘open book’ and ‘closed book’ testing can provide insights into human behavior and the effectiveness of response plans.

Natural disasters pose a significant yet often underestimated threat to cybersecurity. By proactively preparing and implementing comprehensive plans, businesses can not only safeguard their data but also ensure the smooth continuation of operations during and after a natural disaster.

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